
Style Sheet-1

Introduction of HTML HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language. This language is used to prepare web pages, which are used in Internet to exchange data and information. Tim=berners Lee,developed HTML and HTTP in 1990. Tim-Berners Lee was a networking specialist at CERN, the Swiss physics research institute, in Geneva, Switzerland. He wanted to introduce a simple language for the institute's researchers,which would enable them to share and exchange their research works through the internet.


HTML Expression Continue..... Hide. History of HTML Introduction of HTML HTML is a Hyper Text Markup Language. This language is used to prepare web pages, which are used in Internet to exchange data and information. Tim=berners Lee,developed HTML and HTTP in 1990. Continue..... Tim-Berners Lee was a networking specialist at CERN, the Swiss physics research institute, in Geneva, Switzerland. He wanted to introduce a simple language for the institute's researchers, which would enable them to share and exchange their research works through the internet. .....Hide